
Reviewed by Nikki Cotter

Opening Night verdict ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Credit: Johan Persson

Based on the iconic 2010 film starring Cher and Christina Aguilera, Burlesque introduces us to Ali, a small-town girl who finds herself in the big city where life is about to get spicy, and the stakes are gonna get a whole lot higher.

This much-anticipated stage adaptation switches up elements of the film’s storylines so those looking for a faithful retelling will without doubt find something new to discover here. Some storylines and characters have been removed while others are further developed adding new dynamics to the production.

Credit: Johan Persson

We follow Ali (Jess Folley) as she leaves her home in the Midwest in search of her birth mother Tess (Jackie Burns). A stressed-out debt-ridden Burlesque club owner isn’t quite who Ali expects to find but she sticks around nonetheless as she awaits an opportunity to tell Tess the real reason she’s there. Life suddenly begins to take a dramatic turn and almost accidentally Ali becomes the star of the Burlesque show.

Taking a keen interest in Ali is Jackson (Michael Mather) the friendly bartender who has more than bourbon on his mind while there’s added depth given to Tess’ husband Vincent (George Maguire) who becomes the villain of the piece, adding an entertaining element of jeopardy as well as an opportunity for a gloriously camp male tap ensemble piece.

Credit: Johan Persson

Jess Folley is superb as Ali, her vocals are incredible, she has big shoes to fill taking on the role made famous by Christian Aguilera and she does so convincingly, while managing successfully to make the part her own. She is a true star. Her talents don’t end on stage as she also takes writing credits for several of the show’s new songs, it really feels like we’re witnessing the launch of a world-class talent here.

As Tess, Jackie Burns delivers a Broadway quality performance right here in the heart of Manchester, she has a strong chemistry with Jess Folly and the duet Got It All From You between the two is one of the most heartfelt moments in the production. Burns brings strength and sass to the role while gradually allowing her softer side to show.

Credit: Johan Persson

Ramping up the fabulous is a sensational Todrick Hall as Tess’ right-hand man and club assistant Shaun. An incredible performer who commands attention from the moment he appears on stage. His epic numbers are flawless, showcasing his extraordinary talents perfectly. His performance feels fresh, effortless and uniquely creative. A generous performer, he pitches things just right ensuring while his lead numbers pop his shared scenes are balanced and nuanced.

Special mention must also go to Nina Ann Nelson who is clearly having great fun as mean girl Nikki. While B Terry makes for a wholesome Midwest bestie, reminding us just how different life is becoming for Tess.

Credit: Johan Persson

The ensemble numbers are sensational, proving that Burlesque really is BIG. Film favourites Express and Show Me How You Burlesque whip the audience into a frenzy with Nick Winston’s sizzling choreography matching the quality of the stunning vocals perfectly. Add to this Soutra Gilmour’s lavish set design combined with Ryan Dawson Laight’s incredible costumes and Jack Knowles’ dramatic lighting and these pieces have wow factor worthy of winning awards. The additional element of Nina Dunn’s video design further takes the visuals up a notch.

Steve Antin’s book is fairly light and frothy but manages to steer away from cheesy however it’s the epic ensemble scenes that really steal the show. Some punchier dialogue in parts would bring a little more balance to the piece however judging by tonight’s audience reaction no one really came her for the convos.

Credit: Johan Persson

This incredibly talented cast go all out to deliver an exhilarating night of fierce, feel-good, fabulousness. The audience lap up the dazzling design and killer choreography with expectations of outrageous escapism fulfilled as we all head off into the Manchester night feeling a whole lot sassier than when we arrived. Burlesque will go far with the West End and Broadway surely beckoning, catch it in Manchester while you can!

Burlesque The Musical is on at Manchester’s Opera House until Saturday 29th June, it will then return from Thursday 3rd October until Saturday 2nd November tickets are available here.

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