Jesus Christ Superstar

Reviewed by Nikki Cotter

Opening Night verdict ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Ever since I saw Timothy Sheader’s bold reimagining of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Jesus Christ Superstar at Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre I thought how perfect it would look on the Lowry’s Lyric stage, fast-forward several years and here we are in sunny Salford where there’s undoubtedly a buzz in the air.

This innovative restaging of the much-loved classic thrills right from the very first moments as the ensemble excitedly rush through the stalls onto Tom Scutt’s industrial looking set, complete with high scaffold columns and an imposing fallen cross.

As the iconic intro notes to Heaven On Their Minds play out, we see a brooding, hooded Shem Omari James as Judas surveying the scene. Judas and Jesus poignantly lock eyes for the 1st time before Shem Omari James’ crystal clear vocals give us a striking indicator of the quality of the production we’re about to see.

Ian McIntosh is superb in the role of Jesus, his vocals are insanely good, while his performance is rich in empathy and emotion as he accepts the fate he knows lies before him. His delivery of Gethsemane is electric, ensuring every audience member feels his turmoil at this pivotal point in the show. Lee Curran’s lighting design adding to the already spine-tingling scene making this an absolute chef’s kiss moment.

The scenes between Judas and Jesus are intense and loaded, each character is well-defined, and has their own powerful story to tell. The symbolism and poignancy of each heated exchange between the two further engaging us in this beautifully directed piece.

Hannah Richardson gives a heavenly performance as Mary Magdelane, she softens each scene with her gentle, loving characterisation, further opening up the opportunity to show Jesus as a multifaceted, complex man. Her delivery of I Don’t Know How To Love Him is sublime.

Ryan O’Donnell gives a commanding, considered performance as Pilot his incredible vocals during Trial Before Pilot are a thrilling highlight of the show. Timo Tatzber makes the most of every minute on stage as the brilliantly brattish, bawdy Herod, his physicality and flamboyance perfectly embodying the character.

Jad Habchi and Stephen Lewis-Johnston as High Priests Caiaphas and Annas are incredible, strong and striking as they plot to bring Jesus down, they have the most unbelievable ranges and deliver Tim Rice’s lyrics in memorable style.

In addition to the leads the tremendous ensemble ensure this visually arresting production surprises and impresses throughout. They deliver Drew McOnie’s modern choreography with stunning accuracy, switching from celebratory crowd to baying mob with powerful precision.

The inspired choreography paired with stunning performances ensure this Jesus Christ Superstar is one which will live long in the memory. Breathtakingly brilliant from start to end.

Jesus Christ Superstar is on at The Lowry until Saturday 25th May, tickets available here.

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