Snow White

Reviewed by Nikki Cotter

Opening Night verdict ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

When it comes to family fun Qdos Entertainment don’t do things by halves. Delivering Manchester Opera House’s pantomime for the third successive year they give audiences another Christmas cracker of a show in which no expense is spared; a glittering and gaaawwwjus production of Snow White starring Strictly’s very own Craig Revel Horwood.

This festive extravaganza has everything you’d want from a Panto, lavish sets, elaborate costumes and lots and lots of laughs. Writer Alan McHugh (with additional material from Ben Nickless) ensures the script is teaming with Mancunian references from the wonderful opening number playing homage to the Opera House to the tune of The Lambeth Walk to the ‘mad for it!’ Magnificent Seven who are ready to ‘ave it!’ all night long!

Pic copyright Phil Tragen 2019

Revel Horwood makes for a deliciously devilish baddie, fabulously theatrical and outrageously naughty as wicked Queen Lurcretia he commands the stage throughout. Strutting, preening and pouting before belting out his several solos with style and some serious sass proving what an incredibly talented all-rounder he truly is.

There is strong support from audience favourite Ben Nickless who returns for the second year running, this time playing the hapless Muddles along with a welcome return for Manchester’s favourite Dame, Eric Potts who makes for a magnificent Nora Crumble. The two bounce off each other brilliantly, their silly humour and cheeky charm is measured just right for this family audience. They bring this classic story bang up to date with hilarious mentions of Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and there’s even a scene with a over keen Alexa!

Zoë George and Joshua St Clair make for a perfect pairing as Snow White and the dashing Prince Harry. Although a little underused when we do hear from them their vocals are superb and they both have bucketloads of charm.

The ensemble cast and young company add to the spectacle of the lavish numbers with slick delivery of Ashley Nottingham’s choreography, great to see some same-sex pairings on stage during the dance numbers too.

Pic copyright Phil Tragen 2019

Of course as to be expected with Panto there are some cheeky moments with a few close to the bone one-liners however the innuendo never goes too far & is pitched at just the right level to give the adults a giggle while the kids laugh along with the slapstick and physical comedy that’s so brilliantly delivered.

Revel Horwood, Potts, Nickless & St Clare’s riotous version of The Twelve Days of Christmas brings the house down quite literally, it is pure panto perfection!

The combination of impressive special effects, classic panto entertainment and a wonderfully talented cast result in another hit for Qdos.

Snow White is a riotous romp of camp, colourful, comedy, a FAB-U-LOUS night out for all the family.

Pic copyright Phil Tragen 2019

Snow White is on at Manchester’s Opera House until Sunday 29th December tickets available here.


Snow White | Epstein Theatre

Snow White Image 2 - Credit David Munn Photography

Reviewed by Matthew Forrest

Opening Night verdict ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Epstein Christmas panto is gaining quite the reputation for being the ‘must-see’ of the festive period in Liverpool, and this year’s offering of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is no different.

The story follows Snow White (Mia Molloy) and a chance meeting with Prince Valiant (Alex Patmore) which sets both their hearts a racing, however this raises the ire of Snow White’s wicked step-mother, Queen Kimberlina (Kim Woodburn).

Snow White Image 4 - Credit David Munn Photography

After escaping The Queen and one of her diabolical schemes: Snow White with help from Fairy Goodheart (Claire Simmo) seeks refuge with Seven Dwarfs, but this being a Scouse panto, these aren’t your typical fairy-tale little men. There is Snotty, Soft-Lad, and the rather posh, Wooly-Back, (he’s from the Wirral) to name but a few. Throw into the mix a very untraditional panto dame in the guise of Dame Debbie (Michael Chapman), loveable sidekick Muddles (Lewis Pryor), evil Henchman (Daryl Holden) and a special appearance by Derek Acorah as the Magic Mirror, some fantastic songs, and some brilliantly choreographed dance routines and you have the recipe for a perfect panto.

The show is a riot from start to finish, filled with jokes for children and adults of all ages. Never taking itself too seriously: the show is packed with moments of slapstick, as well as family friendly jokes, with hefty dose of cheeky innuendo that never becomes coarse or vulgar but will have the adults crying with laughter. This is Snow White with a Scouse twist, with plenty of gags and phrases that will resonate with locals,, it’s a fabulously festive treat, (I’ll be doing most of my Christmas shopping with Scally the Dwarf).

Snow White Image 3 - Credit David Munn Photography

Top billing for the show goes to Kim Woodburn and Derek Acorah, however there is so much more to this show than just the star names. The whole cast work there socks off throughout, with intricate song and dance numbers that include: Mr Blue Sky, Killer Queen, and Devil Woman.

Michael Chapman as well as playing Dame Debbie both wrote and directed the whole thing and should be immensely proud of his achievements. He is outstanding as the sassiest, most gangster panto dame you’ll ever see, and pretty much steals every scene he’s involved in. Lewis Pryor shows what a great all-round talented performer he is as the loveable Muddles, whilst Mia Molloy is perfectly cast as our heroine with a beautiful voice and great character acting.

Snow White Image 6 - Credit David Munn Photography

There are a couple of very few minor issues: the action seems to take a bit of a lull midway through the first act, and there were a few misplaced lines here and there but we can always forgive that in panto can’t we? Oh yes we can! All in all this is a fantastic, fun, family show, which will leave young and old entertained from start to finish as well as being excellent value for money. Now where did I leave my trainers!?

Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs is on at the Epstein Theatre until Wednesday 2nd January, tickets available here.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Lucy Jo Hudson and Ensemble

Opening Night verdict ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

It’s that time of year again, oh no it isn’t! Oh yes it bloomin’ well is! As pantos pop up across the country and evil villains prepare for an almighty booing, St Helens is no exception with a star-studded Snow White opening at the Theatre Royal for the festive season.

Starring Corrie and Where The Heart Is favourite Lucy-Jo Hudson and a pre-recorded ten foot tall Magic Mirror in the form of local legend Johnny Vegas, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs has it all from plenty of ‘it’s behind you’ to a spectacular interactive 3D section which is spine tingly good and more than worth the ticket price alone.

There is something for everyone in the high energy and hugely entertaining production. With superb sets and lavish costumes full of colour and sparkle, Regal EntertainmentsLtd put their impressive stamp on this production, further demonstrating their commitment to delivering high quality, accessible local theatre. Writers Si Foster (who also takes on the role of Evil Queen Camilla) and Ben Engelen deliver an enormously funny script with plenty to keep the little ones entertained and even more to thrill Mum and Dad…just wait for the outrageous Andy Pandy scene! Hilarious! Nazene DanielleLangfield’s choreography is impressive and intricate as both senior ensemble and children from local dance schools all get the chance to shine.

Richard Hazlewood, Johnny Vegas and Si Foster

Lucy-Jo Hudson makes for a perfect princess; she’s sweet but sassy with an incredibly beautiful voice, her time on TV show Dance, Dance Dance clearly well spent as she delivers each routine with precision. Receiving many of the laughs is local funny man and audience favourite Lewis Devine as Muddles, hugely charismatic and immediately likeable he has the audiences in stitches from that start with his mad-cap antics and hilarious impressions.

St Helens Theatre Royal once again deliver a perfect panto, Snow White is a guaranteed festive treat for all ages, it’s easy to see why this show has already been extended offering audiences an extra week to catch it. With impressively high production values, plenty of audience interaction and a strong cast who bring an enormous amount of fun to the show, Snow White is a wickedly wonderful night out!

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is on at the Theatre Royal St Helens until Sunday 14th Jan tickets available here