Goldilocks and The Three Bears

Opening Night verdict ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2

Reviewed by Matt Forrest

There are certain things in this country that we are renowned for throughout the land: the traditional Sunday roast, the England men’s football team crash out of major tournaments via a missed penalty kick, and of course, celebrating Christmas with a panto! This year the Epstein Theatre is putting on a show, suitable for kids from one to ninety-two!

Goldilocks and the Three Bears sees circus owner, Dame Gertie (Mama G), and her beautiful daughter (Olivia Sloyan) struggling to keep their ‘Big Top’ open. They have a loyal band of employees ready to muck in and go above and beyond to save the circus which include Silly Billy (Brandon McCaffery) and The Ringmaster (David Tag), who both have fallen in love with Goldilocks.

To make matters worse, there is a rival circus in town, headed by the evil Baron Von Vippenall (Timothy Lucas), who has a penchant for animal whips and cruelty. The rival shows are in need of a knockout act that will bring the crowds in, and with rumour of some bears living in the woods nearby, maybe they can become the star attraction both circuses need, but who will get to them in time?

This has everything you want from a panto, spectacular song and dance numbers, stunning acrobatics, visual gags a plenty, some jokes for the kids and a few for the adults too! Add into the mix some super soakers, some fire juggling and an adorable children’s sing-along to close the show and you have the perfect festive family night out.

The show is anchored by two outstanding performances. Timothy Lucas is clearly having a ball as the villainous Baron Von Vippenall, I’ve not heard a more outrageous German accent since the late great Alan Rickman fell from the Nakatomi Plaza! He goads and taunts the audience throughout and his appearance never failed to bring a smile to my face.

Whilst Britain’s Got Talent star Mama G is in fine form as our traditional panto dame. It’s a charismatic performance filled with sass while Mama G displays some wonderful comic timing to match the spectacular outfits.

Olivia Sloyan and Hollyoaks star David Tag are the perfect pairing, both in fine voice, making a lovely couple and a pair of heroes you can’t help but root for. 

Brandon McCaffery does a grand job of getting kids involved as Silly Billy – he had the kids hollering in all the right places; it’s a performance as daft as it is fun. The supporting cast worked their socks off throughout, with some great routines and some nice bits of ‘improv’ when some cast members hilariously went off script.

There are numerous big song and dance numbers with the highlights being a dark and brooding version of Queen’s The Show Must Go On,which features some stunning visuals, whilst a near full cast rendition of There’s No Business Like Show Business is just one of many highlights.

With this being Liverpool, there are plenty of cheeky local gags and a few marking this year’s political upheaval for you to enjoy, which go down a treat with the older members of the audience. It’s a hilarious, silly, and thoroughly entertaining production from start to finish, the perfect antidote to World Cup disappointment and Christmas reruns on the telly!

Goldilocks and The Three Bears is on at The Epstein Theatre until 1st January tickets available here.

Goldilocks and The Three Bears

Reviewed by Nikki Cotter

Opening Night verdict ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

St Helens Theatre Royal and Regal Entertainments Ltd have a great reputation for putting on brilliant Pantomimes, and boy do they rise to the challenge this Christmas!

There’s aerial acrobatics, fire jugglers and even some super soakers in this high energy, fantastically funny, festive offering. The stellar cast features several much-loved Theatre Royal regulars as well as Hollyoaks hunk David Tag as The Ringmaster and the wonderful David Phipps-Davis as Dame Gertie.

Regal Entertainments Ltd add a little more meat to the bones of this classic fairytale as Goldilocks (Olivia Sloyan) finds herself at the centre of a fight to save the Three Bears as well as her beloved Big Top from the hands of evil Baron Von Vippemall (Timothy Lucas). With a sprinkling of romance, a dash of peril, a fabulously flamboyant Dame and a delightfully daft Silly Billy (Scott Gallagher), Goldilocks and The Three Bears has all the ingredients for a perfect Panto.

The script is jam-packed with hilarious gags while the opportunity to shout, cheer and join in with the fun begins almost immediately. Scott Gallagher ramps up the humour as the hilarious Silly Billy, this is his third consecutive Christmas appearance at the Theatre Royal and the audience absolutely love him. He engages both adults and children alike while his timely quips about Downing Street parties are ingenious.

Theatre Royal favourite Timothy Lucas most recently seen as hero of the hour Jack, in Jack and The Beanstalk is superb as dastardly villain Baron Von Vippemall. He’s clearly loving every minute of this role; teasing and taunting the audience to brilliant effect. His versatility as an actor providing laugh out loud moments throughout, it’s always a joy to see him perform.

Hunky ringmaster David Tag impresses vocally while Olivia Sloyan shines as Goldilocks, the duo make for a perfect pairing. David Phipps-Davis brings the flamboyance as Dame Gertie with some of the most spectacular costumes and wigs I’ve ever seen while his powerful voice takes the ensemble numbers to the next level.

Nazene Langfield’s choreography is delivered with precision by the cast and Senior Dancers while Regal Entertainments Ltd’s glittering set and sumptuous costumes add to the sparkle of this festive piece.

We don’t see some of the usual songs/sketches associated with Panto however they aren’t missed as tongue twisters and sweet throwing replace them, keeping the pace quick and the exuberance high.

Regal Entertainments Ltd have delivered an absolute Christmas cracker this year, you’d struggle to find a better quality, funnier show at a more reasonable price for all the family to enjoy. Little ones were mesmerised while there’s plenty of cheeky jokes for the adults to knowingly giggle along with.

Goldilocks and The Three Bears is fabulous, family fun, seeing the joy on children’s faces in the theatre truly cementing the importance of live theatre. If you’re struggling to find your Christmas cheer then look no further and get yourself down to St Helens Theatre Royal, this dazzling production will leave you feeling merry and bright. Another smash-hit for Regal Entertainments Ltd with my mini reviewers asking can we watch it again before we’d even left our seats! A magical, hilarious, and brilliantly entertaining production from start to finish.

Goldilocks and The Three Bears is on at St Helens Theatre Royal until 9th January tickets available here.

Jack and the Beanstalk

Reviewed by Nikki Cotter

Opening Night verdict ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

St Helens Theatre Royal’s half term pantos have become a staple for many families across the North West. Great casts, gorgeous costumes, colourful sets and guaranteed fun!

This Autumn’s offering is no exception as Jack and The Beanstalk packs in the laughs, glittering musical numbers and plenty of opportunity for little ones (and big ones) to interact with the cast, shouting those classic “It’s behind you” panto staples.

Originally broadcast as a live-steamed production during the first national lockdown Jack and the Beanstalk received such a great response that St Helens Theatre Royal together with Regal Entertainment decided to bring it back so audiences can experience the magic of theatre live on stage.

Directed by Chantelle Nolan and written by Reece Sibbald (who also plays Simple Simon) Jack and the Beanstalk is the classic fairytale featuring magic beans and a rather grumpy giant but adds in the twist of an extra baddie, Mrs Fleshcreep who brings additional mischief to the story.

Featuring several Theatre Royal favourites there is laughter from the start as Fairy Mary played perfectly by Jenna Sian O’Hara introduces us to this magical story.

Mark Two and Reece Sibbald make for a great comedy pairing as Dame Dolly Trott and Simple Simon while the always brilliant Timothy Lucas is hilarious as Jack, his thick Scouse twang offering continuous laugh out loud moments as he swaggers across the stage as our hero of the hour.

Olivia Sloyan as Princess Jill is a perfect pairing to jovial Jack while Catherine Cunningham makes for a wickedly wonderful baddie.

There’s sadly no juvenile dancers in this production due to Covid complexities but the senior dancers do a fantastic job of filling the stage & delivering Nazene Langfield’s choreography beautifully. The ‘Light Fantastic’ ultraviolet light section is a big hit with the audiences offering a great alternative to the traditional 3D sequence.

There’s plenty of big numbers throughout which will keep even the littlest of audiences members entertained while of course there’s bucket loads of cheeky jokes for the adults and more toilet humour than you could shake a stick at for the kiddies.

It’s another triumph for St Helen’s Theatre Royal. The quality of their pantomime’s is something to be truly proud of, guaranteed entertainment at brilliant price with tickets starting at £13.

If you’re looking for half term fun then look no further, Jack and the Beanstalk is just the ticket! Fabulous fast-paced fun for all the family.

Catch Jack and The Beanstalk at St Helens Theatre Royal until Sunday 31st October tickets available here.

Beauty and The Beast

Beauty and the Beast Production Image (8) - credit David Munn Photography

Opening Night verdict ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Reviewed by Nikki Cotter

Regal Entertainments and St Helens Theatre Royal’s usual run of family-favourite pantomimes throughout the year came to an abrupt halt when the Coronavirus pandemic closed theatres across the country back in March. The creatives rallied together producing an innovative virtual show: Rapunzel: The Lockdown Panto, back in April and now through lots of hard work, commitment and Covid compliance bring Beauty and The Beast to the stage, opening the doors of the Theatre Royal to audiences once again.

Directed by Chantelle Nolan and written by Liam Mellor, Beauty and The Beast tells the famous fairy-tale of a prince cursed to live as a monstrous beast, the only thing that can break the curse is…of course true-loves kiss! But just how does a furry monster find true love, especially when we are all social distancing!

Beauty and the Beast Production Image (1) - credit David Munn Photography

Regal Entertainments have well and truly pulled out all the stops to ensure their first live show in a long 9 months is an unforgettable one. The script is positively jam-packed with Covid gags with Boris Johnson getting a hilarious ribbing while Joe Wicks, Chris Witty and even the track and trace app all feature.

French Frank and Pretty Polly played by Scott Gallagher and Jamie Greer respectively are a perfect comedy duo, guiding us through the ups and downs of life in the village of Petit Pois as they try and save their master (Andrew Geater) from a hairy ending. They bounce off each other brilliantly, the quick-witted pair are clearly having a ball being back in front of an audience, throwing themselves full throttle into the slapstick silliness as well as offering plenty of cheeky gags for the grownups.

Beauty and the Beast Production Image (5) - credit David Munn Photography

Timothy Lucas as a scene stealing Gaston is an absolute joy, self-obsessed, pumped up and completely outrageous he has the audience in the palm of his hand from his first swivel-hipped lunge onto stage. His mother the Cruella De Ville-esque Madam Botox (Abigail Middleton) is as detestable as her air-head son, the two make a perfectly ghastly pair of pantomime villains.

Olivia Sloyan makes for a superbly sassy Belle while Andrew Geater’s charm shines through as the reclusive Beast. Jenna Sian O’Hara acts as narrator in her role as Fairy Rose, her no nonsense Northern attitude sees her giving as good as she gets in an unforgettable 12 Days of Covid which leaves the audience roaring with laughter (behind our Covid compliant masks of course).

Beauty and the Beast Production Image (2) - credit David Munn Photography

Choreographer Nazene Langfield has created some beautiful numbers for the talented senior dancers, sadly no juvenile dancers this year due to Covid restrictions but the seniors do a wonderful job of filling the stage adding real depth to the musical numbers. There’s some great song choices this year, many with a Covid twist which are an absolute stroke of genius and while the audience can’t participate in the usual way a TikTok dance off fills the gaps perfectly.

By the time of the final transformation scene, you’ll be wishing you could stay in your seat and watch it all over again. This hilarious production at a time when theatre making is more challenging than ever before is an utter treat, just what’s needed to lift spirits, create magical memories and remind us all just how precious the arts are. Kudos to all at St Helen’s Theatre Royal for creating a perfectly safe environment for families to enjoy some much-needed escapism.

Beauty and the Beast Production Image (9) - credit David Munn Photography

Beauty and the Beast is an absolute Christmas cracker, in the words of my Godson Freddie “The best one we’ve ever seen”

Beauty and The Beast is on at St Helens Theatre Royal until Sunday 3rd Jan tickets from £16 available via Ticketsolve – St Helens Theatre Royal


Aladdin 1 - Photo by David Munn

Reviewed by Nikki Cotter

Opening Night verdict ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Firm favourites on the calendar all year round thanks to their well-established half term pantos, Regal Entertainments have pulled out all the stops with their 2019 Christmas offering; a sparkling and strictly spectacular production of family favourite, Aladdin.

There are lavish sets, colourful costumes, super soakers, a spectacular scare-tastic 3D section as well as none stop gags and impressive dance numbers in this festive family friendly production.

Aladdin 2 - Photo by David Munn

Strictly star Robin Windsor takes on the role of Aladdin, replacing the previously cast Kelvin Fletcher who waltzed off to the BBC when the glitterball came calling but, do not fear he hasn’t been entirely erased as the ingeniously names ‘Kelvin the carpet’ joins Robin centre stage for a boogie!

Windsor is clearly having lots of fun performing, frequently treating the audience to showcases of his sensational footwork while leading a strong company of senior and juvenile dancers in some magnificent numbers. His warmth and likability matched with his impressive skills make him a huge hit with the audience.

Aladdin 5 - Photo by David Munn

Playing Wishee Washer, brother to Aladdin is the hilarious Scott Gallagher, a talented performer he has the audience roaring with laughter throughout. A natural comedian he takes full advantage of being centre stage at the end of Act 2 when several children are invited up to ‘Boss The Floss’ his interactions and observations have the audience crying with laughter while the children relish their memorable moment in the spotlight.

Timothy Lucas seals himself as an audience favourite in the role of PC Noodle and has a brilliantly inventive musical battle with evil Abanazer (Philip Shaun McGuinness) complete with dance moves that would absolutley get a 10 from Len.

Aladdin 3 - Photo by David Munn

Writer Si Foster who also stars as Widow Twankey has kept true to the real spirit of Panto with lots of slapstick silliness for the kids as well as cheeky gags for the grownups. There’s ample opportunity for many a ‘ITS BEHIND YOU’ while Panto favourite ‘We’ll have to sing it again then won’t we’ makes an appearance within the Monster Mash.

Choreographer Nazene Langfield has created some spectacular numbers which really allow Robin Windsor to show off his dazzling footwork while Olivia Sloyan, Kai Jolley and Jenna Sian O’Hara all make the most of their supporting roles.

Aladdin 6 - Photo by David Munn

Act 1 stutters occasionally and could benefit from a little trim however Act 2 is where this production really finds its feet and absolutely soars from opening number Dancing Fool right through to the glittering and gorgeous finale.

The final transformation scene will ensure audiences have the time of their lives as the cast mambo their way through the Dirty Dancing classic. This is a feel-good family friendly production packed with laughs and lots of them, another Christmas cracker from Regal Entertainments!

Catch Aladdin at St Helens Theatre Royal until Sunday 12th January tickets available here.



The Salon

Telling the story of soon to be divorced Carol and her colleagues, ditzy X Factor wannabee Tia and Shelia who doesn’t want much in life other than a toy boy with the stamina of a marathon runner, The Salon makes a welcome return to St Helens Theatre Royal this week.

The show is a hilarious behind the scenes look at the outrageous daily happenings in your average high street salon when you’re struggling to get over a broken heart and the local gangster has launched a hostile takeover bid on your business and will do anything and sleep with anyone to get it.

Penned by former Hale and Pace sketch writer and Liverpool playwright Drew Quayle, The Salon boasts a stellar Liverpudlian line-up including Radio City favourite Leanne Campbell, Brookside’s Sarah White and Phillip Olivier and Blood Brother’s Olivia Sloyan as well as Emmerdale’s Peter Amory and Towie’s Harry Derbidge.

There are some great performance in this riotous production directed by Sylvie Gatrill. Leanne Campbell plays recently heartbroken salon boss Carol to perfection, pitching her character just right as she battles through daily life in the salon while her ex and his new girlfriend have moved in across the street, she is the calm in the storm of salon life, instantly likeable, she has the audience rooting for her from her first line.

Managing the sex obsessed Sheila, played brilliantly by the sharp and sassy Sarah White and fame hungry, nice but dim beauty therapist Tia (delivered perfectly by OliviaSloyan) isn’t easy for Carol, not only is she nursing a broken heart but is agony aunt to salon owner Neil (Peter Amory) while trying to ward off local gangster Tony’s (Philip Olivier) advances.

There are some real laugh out loud moments in this adult comedy including an eye watering waxing session with some great comic timing from Philip Olivier and a scarily realistic boozy breakdown from jilted Carol.

Regal Entertainments Ltd set is impressive and authentic, allowing for scene changes within one static set, with the Salon taking centre stage and owner Neil’s fabulously flamboyant flat situated above.

The Salon makes for a great night out, flirty, filthy and full of fun!

On at St Helens Theatre Royal until Saturday 25th November tickets available here